Achieve the Millennium Development Goals can be an important role for young people. The goal is to encourage young entrepreneur for the world's top youth award (World Summit Youth Award)'s been held.
- Your age is 30 or less?
- Do you want to MDG to achieve a particular role?
- You want to be a partner in development?
- Do you want to participate in the development of information and communication technologies?
- You will like the jury selected three winners.

Information technologies utilized by the Millennium Development Goals or MDG wants to acquire a role in encouraging the world's top youth award for their innovative project is being called. Competition from countries through the United Nations member , Best E - Content developer will be selected. The talented young entrepreneurs age 30 or less, which they can participate in this contest. The Digital Millennium Development Goals premium content that will help achieve the project for the creation of competitors will be selected. Divided into six categories of digital content for the award will be given. The six categories are:
1. Fight against poverty,
2. Hunger and sickness,
3. Education for All,
4. Women's Empowerment,
5. Culture and
6. Parsu Truth.
Like the last two years ,this year also young Entrepreneur will be selected who achieve their creative energy through a special role in the MDG. Are you 30 or less? Do you want to MDG to achieve a particular role? You want to be a partner in development? Do you want to participate in the development of information and communication technologies? You will like the jury selected three winners. The final winners of the contest , the 18 World congress on Information Technology in Canada will be invited. For the development of information technology and network with famous people making a lot of great opportunity for any young Entrepreneur to do it
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